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Holger Roswandowicz
Dec 27, 20233 min read
Smart Home Synergy: Alexa &'s Energy-Saving Journey
In the era of smart technology, the way we interact with our home environment is undergoing a significant transformation. Central to this...
Holger Roswandowicz
Oct 24, 20233 min read
CHP Monitor and the Stromfee Diary: What You Absolutely Need to Know
Introduction Combined Heat and Power plants (CHP) are increasingly being discussed when it comes to efficient energy generation. In...

Holger Roswandowicz
Oct 24, 20232 min read
Solids feeder: An indispensable tool in industry and agriculture
The role of the solids feeder in various industries cannot be overstated. Whether in food production, the chemical industry or the...

Holger Roswandowicz
Oct 11, 20234 min read
Enhancing Energy Efficiency with the AI-powered Stromfee Diary and Smart Switches
In today's dynamic energy landscape, optimizing electricity costs and maximizing efficiency have become top priorities. The integration...

Holger Roswandowicz
Jul 8, 20234 min read
The advantages of MQTT Broker for IoT Data Movement with influx Stromfee Tagebuch AI diary
MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is a lightweight publish/subscribe messaging protocol that is well-suited for IoT...
Holger Roswandowicz
Jul 7, 20234 min read
How to protect electrical motors in heat
Electric motors are crucial components in biogas plants and need to be properly maintained to ensure a long service life. Here are 10...

Holger Roswandowicz
Jul 5, 20234 min read
Enhancing Energy Efficiency with the AI-powered Stromfee Tagebuch Diary and Smart Switches
I n today's dynamic energy landscape, optimizing electricity costs and maximizing efficiency have become top priorities. The integration...

Holger Roswandowicz
Jul 3, 20234 min read
Why should I not feed electricity into the grid when electricity prices are negative?
When electricity prices are negative, there is a chance that the cost of selling electricity to the grid is greater than the actual...
Holger Roswandowicz
Jul 2, 20233 min read
Stromfee AI Diary delivers Weather Forecaster Makes Predictions in Seconds
Harnessing the Power of Stromfee AI Diary and Loxone's Revolutionary AI Manager Introduction: The integration of AI technology into...

Holger Roswandowicz
Jul 2, 20234 min read
Power of AI-Stromfee Diary and Loxone AC Control Air for Efficient PV with Hybrid Storage
Harnessing the Power of Stromfee Tagebuch Diary and Loxone AC Control Air for Efficient PV with Hybrid Storage Introduction: Combining...

Holger Roswandowicz
Jul 2, 20233 min read
10 Ways Loxone Controller and Smart Shelly Switches Enhance Energy Efficiency with Stromfee Tagebuch
Introduction: Efficient energy management is crucial for both cost savings and environmental sustainability. The combination of the...

Holger Roswandowicz
Jul 2, 20232 min read
A Beginner's Guide to AI-Based Energy Monitoring and Management
Introduction: In today's world, energy management is becoming increasingly crucial for both individuals and businesses. With the rising...

Holger Roswandowicz
Jul 1, 20234 min read
The combination of Stromfee Diary and Loxone's Spotpriceoptimizer
Optimizing Energy Costs with Stromfee Diary and Loxone's Spotpriceoptimizer In today's competitive business landscape, optimizing energy...

Holger Roswandowicz
Jan 17, 20234 min read
Loxone will recieve the spotmarket prices from our MYSQL Database in our server
Loxone is a home automation system that allows you to control and automate various devices in your home, such as lights, heating, and...

Holger Roswandowicz
Jan 17, 20231 min read
Wich countries are members of the ENTSO-E ?
ENTSO-E, which stands for European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity, is an organization that represents the...
Holger Roswandowicz
Jan 15, 20235 min read
Wich components should the STROMFEE Strompreismanager control in Cooling Logistics such as food
The specific components that the Stromfee Strompreismanager would control in a cooling logistics facility, such as one used for food and...

Holger Roswandowicz
Jan 15, 20232 min read
Wich components should the STROMFEE Strompreismanager control in a Hotel?
The specific components that the Stromfee Strompreismanager would control in a hotel, in combination with Grafana and Loxone, would...

Holger Roswandowicz
Jan 15, 20231 min read
STROMFEE Strompreismanager in a Bakery
It sounds like you're asking if the Stromfee Tagebuch, in combination with Grafana and the ENTSO-E Spot prices, can be used to manage...

Holger Roswandowicz
Jan 15, 20231 min read
Potential applications for using the STROMFEE power price manager
There are several potential applications for using a power price manager in conjunction with a battery storage system. Some of these...

Holger Roswandowicz
Jan 14, 20231 min read
Energy Audit with networkanalysis Stromfee Spotpricemanager
An energy audit with network analysis is an important step to take before using the STROMFEE Strompreismanager for several reasons:...

Holger Roswandowicz
Jan 14, 20231 min read
Loxone Spotpriceoptimizer and Stromfee Strompreismanager
Loxone Spotpriceoptimizer and Stromfee Strompreismanager are both software tools that provide real-time pricing information and allow for...

Holger Roswandowicz
Jan 14, 20232 min read
Wich countries in ASIA provide flexible spot prices on the electricity markets?
The development of spot markets for electricity in Asia varies greatly between countries. Japan has a wholesale electricity market known...

Holger Roswandowicz
Jan 14, 20231 min read
Wich countries in North america provide flexible spot prices on the electricity markets?
North America has a diverse range of electricity markets and regulations, with some countries having a more developed spot market and...

Holger Roswandowicz
Jan 14, 20231 min read
Wich countries in South America provide flexible spor prices on the electricity markets?
South America has a variety of electricity markets and regulations, with some countries having a more developed spot market and others...
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