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Grid and drive analysis – Maximize the efficiency of your energy infrastructure

Optimal performance and energy efficiency with precise network and drive analysis

Energy flows and machine drives are the backbone of many companies. Inefficiencies in the grid distribution or the operation of machines under suboptimal conditions can lead to high energy costs, unexpected failures and production delays. The grid and drive analysis helps you to identify these inefficient processes and to optimize your energy flows and machine performance.

Why you need a network analysis

Your energy network is the heart of your operational infrastructure. If it works inefficiently, it wastes energy, drives up costs and jeopardizes operational stability. A network analysis identifies these inefficient processes and provides targeted optimization suggestions that reduce your energy costs and extend the life of your systems. You receive:

  • Transparency about the energy consumption of your entire system.

  • Security that your machines and drives are not overloaded.

  • Efficiency because the energy flow is evenly distributed and losses are reduced to a minimum.



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Integration of the Stromfee diary – your key to optimal energy management

The Stromfee diary is seamlessly integrated into your existing energy infrastructure and continuously records all relevant energy data - from grid loads to the performance of your machine drives and transformers. This data is crucial for analyzing and optimizing your energy flows.

Benefits of the Stromfee diary for your network and drive analysis: Real-time data collection: All relevant energy data such as consumption, voltage and current are recorded in real time and displayed in a clear user interface. This means you always know when and where bottlenecks occur. Automated reports: The Stromfee diary creates regular reports and shows you possible weak points or inefficient processes. This allows you to make quick and precise optimizations. Early error detection: Anomalies and potential faults are detected early before they lead to failures or increased costs. This enables preventive maintenance and protects your machines from damage. Long-term cost reduction: By identifying transformer losses, overloads or inefficient drive loads, you can realize significant savings in the long term while extending the service life of your systems. Example 1: Production company reduces peak loads by 30% A medium-sized production company regularly had high peak loads that led to enormous additional costs. With the Stromfee diary, peak loads were reduced by 30% through dynamic control of the machines, which led to a 25% reduction in energy costs. Example 2: Agricultural business optimizes machine running times and saves 20% on energy costs A agricultural business used the Stromfee diary to control the energy consumption of its milking and cooling systems more efficiently. By shifting the energy-intensive processes outside of peak times, 20% of energy costs were saved.

The advantages of network and drive analysis with Stromfee 1. Optimization of energy flows The Stromfee diary gives you full transparency about your energy distribution. You can avoid peak loads, distribute the network load more evenly and correct inefficient energy flows. This not only reduces your electricity costs, but also increases the operational reliability of your systems. 2. Efficient machine drives Many machines operate under suboptimal conditions, which leads to unnecessarily high energy costs and premature wear. By monitoring and analyzing your machine drives, the Stromfee diary shows you how you can optimize them and operate them more efficiently. 3. Reduction of transformer losses Transformers can cause considerable idle and load losses. The Stromfee diary records these losses and offers you solutions to reduce them by better matching the performance of your transformers to actual requirements. 4. Reliability and durability By continuously monitoring your network and drive performance, the Stromfee diary prevents overloads and ensures that your machines work efficiently and safely. This reduces maintenance effort and increases the service life of your devices.

How does the network and drive analysis work with the Stromfee diary? 1. Real-time data collection The Stromfee diary continuously records all relevant data, such as power consumption, network loads and the efficiency of your machine drives. This data gives you a complete overview of your energy infrastructure. 2. Analysis and optimization suggestions Inefficient processes or overloaded network segments are identified based on the data collected. The Stromfee diary offers you concrete optimization suggestions to improve your energy flows and distribute loads more evenly. 3. Implementation and monitoring The suggested optimizations are integrated into your energy management and then continuously monitored. The Stromfee diary offers you regular reports and notifications about the status of your energy infrastructure.

Examples of customer savings through network and drive analysis Case study 1: Manufacturing company reduces transformer losses by 25% A manufacturing company was able to reduce idle losses by 25% by continuously monitoring and analyzing its transformers. This led to annual savings of several thousand euros in energy costs. Case study 2: Use machine drives more efficiently and save 20% on energy costs A company discovered that its machine drives were running inefficiently and consuming a lot of energy when idle. After optimization using the Stromfee diary, the energy costs for the drives were reduced by 20%.

Funding opportunities – secure government subsidies The introduction of efficient energy management such as network and drive analysis is supported by many countries. In Germany, the BAFA funding offers support of up to 40% of the investment costs. We will help you with the application and ensure you receive the maximum funding.

Start your network and drive analysis now!

Secure an efficient energy infrastructure and reduce your costs sustainably. Let us optimize your network and drive performance together and start a more energy-efficient future with the Stromfee diary.

➡️ Contact us now for a non-binding consultation
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Q&A – Frequently asked questions about network analysis

1. What is a network analysis? A network analysis involves the systematic review and evaluation of the electrical energy distribution in a company or plant. The aim is to maximize the efficiency of the energy flow, detect bottlenecks and identify possible energy losses. All relevant network components such as transformers, control cabinets and load distributions are analyzed.

2. Why is a network analysis important? Network analysis is crucial to ensure that a company's power distribution is functioning optimally. Inefficiencies such as uneven load distribution or overloaded components lead to energy losses, higher costs and a shortened service life of the equipment. A network analysis can identify and resolve these problems.

3. What are the benefits of a network analysis? A network analysis brings numerous benefits: Cost savings through the reduction of energy losses and optimization of energy flows. Improved network stability, which leads to fewer outages and disruptions. Longer service life of the systems by avoiding overloads. Detection of transformer losses, which are often hidden and costly. Preventive maintenance to identify and resolve potential problems at an early stage.

4. When should a grid analysis be carried out? A grid analysis should be carried out regularly or in specific situations: When energy costs increase without any obvious reason. Before introducing new machinery or equipment, to ensure that the grid can handle the additional loads. When there are repeated power outages or voltage fluctuations. Before major investments in energy infrastructure, to ensure that the existing grid is used efficiently.

5. What are typical problems uncovered during a network analysis? Problems commonly uncovered during a network analysis include: Uneven load distribution, which can lead to overloaded network segments. Transformer losses caused by inefficient transformers. Voltage fluctuations, which can affect machine performance. Oversized or undersized network components that either consume too much energy or do not provide enough capacity. Frequent load peaks, which endanger network stability and lead to high costs.

8. Who benefits from a network analysis? Companies of all sizes and industries that have a complex energy network benefit from a network analysis. Industrial companies, agricultural companies, data centers and production facilities in particular can reduce costs and increase operational reliability by analyzing their network structures.

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