Wich countries in ASIA provide flexible spot prices on the electricity markets?

The development of spot markets for electricity in Asia varies greatly between countries.
Japan has a wholesale electricity market known as the Japan Electric Power Exchange (JEPX), which operates a day-ahead spot market for electricity. Prices in this market are determined by supply and demand.
China also has a wholesale electricity market, which is operated by the State Grid Corporation of China. The market is divided into a spot market, where electricity is bought and sold for immediate delivery, and a forward market, where electricity is bought and sold for delivery at a later date. Prices in the spot market are determined by supply and demand, but the market is still relatively new and still developing.
South Korea has a wholesale electricity market, which is operated by the Korea Power Exchange (KPX).

The market is divided into a spot market, where electricity is bought and sold for immediate delivery, and a forward market, where electricity is bought and sold for delivery at a later date. Prices in the spot market are determined by supply and demand.
Other countries in Asia, such as India, have a mix of regulated and spot markets for electricity, with prices for the latter determined by supply and demand, but the market is still under development.
In summary, some countries in Asia have spot markets for electricity where prices fluctuate based on supply and demand, but it varies greatly depending on the country and it is still under development in some countries.
Wich countries in India provide flexible spot prices on the electricity markets?
The electricity market in India is primarily regulated by the government, with prices set by the state-owned utilities. However, India has taken steps to reform its electricity market and open it to competition.
The Indian Energy Exchange (IEX) operates a day-ahead spot market for electricity, prices in this market are determined by supply and demand. The Power Exchange India Limited (PXIL) also operates a spot market.

These markets allow businesses and other electricity consumers to buy and sell power on a short-term basis, helping to ensure a balance between supply and demand and enabling prices to be determined by market forces.
However, the spot market in India is still under development and not as developed as the European or North American spot markets.
It's worth noting that the regulations, market structure and market participants vary from state to state and change over time, so it's important to check the current situation in the specific region you are interested in.