Das Stromfee Tagebuch hilft die transparent zu sein, Anomalien zu erkennen, deine Energieeffizienz zu steigern, Kosten einzusparen und durch die Künstliche Intelligenz bist du immer auf dem neusten Stand.
Du willst eine dauerhafte Netzanalyse deiner Einspeise- und Versorgeranlagen? Wir im Stromfee-Tagebuch bieten dir vollumfänglichen Service
Wissen Anlagenbetreiber, ob die installierte Wirkleistung der PV Anlage noch der Wahrheit entspricht? Wir bieten völlige Transparenz im Stromfee Tagebuch
Das Stromfee Tagebuch hilft die transparent zu sein, Anomalien zu erkennen, deine Energieeffizienz zu steigern, Kosten einzusparen und durch die Künstliche Intelligenz bist du immer auf dem neusten Stand.
Holistic monitoring and control – full transparency and flexibility for your energy consumption
(electricity price manager)
Energy always in view and under control
With holistic monitoring and control, you can record all relevant energy flows in your company - from power supply to machine drives to heat energy. This monitoring not only allows you to analyze your energy consumption, but also to control it dynamically and precisely to achieve maximum efficiency and minimum costs. Comprehensive monitoring gives you insight into every aspect of your energy infrastructure so that you can react quickly to deviations or inefficiencies.
Why is holistic monitoring essential?
Holistic monitoring goes far beyond simply checking electricity meter readings. It continuously records all important data from your energy infrastructure and provides you with:
Real-time information on the current energy consumption of all systems and machines.
Detailed analyses that show optimization potential and help you use resources more efficiently.
Early warnings when something goes wrong – be it overload, inefficient machine operations or potential failures.
Optimized control that allows you to react dynamically to changes and avoid peak loads.
Our comprehensive monitoring solution enables you to increase the availability and performance of your assets, reduce power consumption and energy costs, and advance your sustainability goals.
The Electricity Price Manager – Intelligent Use of Flexible Electricity Tariffs
In today's energy landscape, electricity prices fluctuate greatly, especially with regard to the EPEX Spot Market and other variable tariffs. With our electricity price manager, you can make the most of these fluctuations by shifting energy consumption to the times when electricity is cheapest.
How does the electricity price manager work? The electricity price manager continuously records the current electricity prices on the market and dynamically adjusts your energy consumption. By flexibly controlling energy-intensive processes, you can avoid peak loads and operate your machines when the electricity price is lowest.
Make the most of flexible electricity tariffs Companies that benefit from flexible electricity tariffs can save up to 20% of their energy costs using the electricity price manager. By operating energy-intensive machines and systems at times when tariffs are low, you can avoid significant costs that arise from expensive peak times. Example: Let's assume that electricity prices fluctuate between 15 and 50 cents per kWh during the day. The electricity price manager automatically detects when the price drops to 20 cents or less and shifts the operation of energy-intensive processes - such as charging batteries or operating cooling systems - to these times. This way you reduce costs and make the best possible use of low tariffs.
Q&A – Everything you need to know about dynamic electricity tariffs
1. What are dynamic electricity tariffs? Dynamic electricity tariffs are flexible tariffs where the price of electricity fluctuates and is based on current market conditions. These tariffs reflect changes in the electricity markets, so the price of electricity is higher or lower at certain times, depending on supply and demand.
2. How do dynamic electricity tariffs work? With dynamic electricity tariffs, the price per kilowatt hour (kWh) varies depending on the time of day and the current electricity market costs. These price changes can occur hourly or daily, based on the current energy supply (e.g. more solar power in sunny weather) and demand (e.g. high electricity consumption in the evening). Customers can adjust their usage accordingly to get electricity at cheaper prices.
3. What are the benefits of dynamic electricity tariffs? Dynamic tariffs offer a flexible way to reduce electricity costs by shifting consumption to times when prices are low. The main benefits are: Cost savings: When using electricity at times when prices are low. Sustainability: Higher share of renewable energy, as tariffs are often lower when there is a lot of solar or wind power available. Transparency: Customers can understand the electricity market price and consciously control their consumption.
4. Are there any risks associated with dynamic electricity tariffs? Yes, with dynamic tariffs, prices can rise sharply during peak periods. If electricity consumption is not adjusted, unexpectedly high bills can occur. It is therefore important to optimise consumption to take full advantage and avoid expensive peak periods.
5. How can I benefit from dynamic electricity tariffs? To make the most of dynamic electricity tariffs, energy-intensive activities such as charging electric vehicles, operating machines or operating heating and cooling systems should be postponed to times when electricity prices are low. An electricity price manager can help with this by adjusting electricity consumption to price fluctuations in real time.
6. How do I know when electricity prices are low? Most dynamic electricity tariff providers offer apps or platforms where current electricity prices can be viewed in real time. These tools allow you to see when the price is low and plan your consumption accordingly. Automated systems such as the electricity price manager take care of this planning and adjustment for you.
7. For which companies are dynamic electricity tariffs particularly suitable? Dynamic tariffs are particularly suitable for companies with high and flexible energy consumption that can easily adapt their use to price fluctuations. These include: Production companies: Machines and systems can be operated during times when electricity prices are low. Agricultural companies: Milking machines and irrigation systems can be operated at low times. Data centers: Data processing can be postponed to times when tariffs are low
8. Can I combine dynamic electricity tariffs with an energy management system? Yes, an energy management system such as the Stromfee diary can automatically monitor dynamic electricity tariffs and adjust your consumption based on current prices. This helps you to use energy at the cheapest times and thus minimize costs.
9. How flexible do my operations need to be to use dynamic electricity tariffs? The more flexible your operations, the more you can benefit from dynamic tariffs. If you can easily shift your energy-intensive processes, e.g. to night times or times of lower demand, electricity consumption can be optimally adjusted. Companies that have continuous production processes may be less flexible, but still benefit from automated systems that make small adjustments.
Stromfee - Our Services
Ganzheitliche Überwachung und Steuerung der Antriebe nach den Börsenpreisen
Mit Stromfee haben Sie die volle Kontrolle über Ihre gesamte Energieinfrastruktur – von der Erzeugung bis zum Verbrauch. Unsere ganzheitliche Überwachung geht weit über einfache Energiemessungen hinaus und sorgt dafür, dass Ihre Energieflüsse jederzeit optimiert werden.
Kontrolle des Netzbetreibers, Messkonzeptprüfung und Prüfung der Einspeise- und Bezugsstromabrechnungen
Fehler in der Abrechnung oder unklare Messkonzepte können erhebliche Mehrkosten verursachen. Mit Stromfee stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihre Einspeise- und Bezugsstromabrechnungen korrekt sind und das Messkonzept Ihrem Betrieb optimal angepasst ist.
Einbindung von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) – Ihre Energie smart nutzen
Mit der Integration von künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) revolutionieren wir Ihr Energiemanagement. KI-gestützte Analysen helfen Ihnen, präzisere Vorhersagen zu treffen, Ineffizienzen zu identifizieren und Ihre Energieflüsse in Echtzeit zu optimieren.